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Life drawing

27 Mar 2014

Life drawing session at Vrije Academie Gent in the attic of the pub: Toverdoos

placemaker to slide post images 200pxLife drawingLife drawingLife drawingLife drawingLife drawingLife drawingLife drawing


13 Mar 2014

Gasper is the son of Miha and Urska, friends I met way back on an online roll playing game called Tibia. We were in an intimate guild with Slovenians, Belgians and Dutchies.
The good times.

placemaker to slide post images 200pxGasper

Colouring WUP#38

28 Feb 2014

Decided to add some colour to one of my warmupsketches.
Love the gradients on the wood, along with the high chroma against the low chrome enviro.

placemaker to slide post images 200pxColouring WUP#38

#031 -> #040

27 Mar 2014

Moar warmupsketches. My day tends to turn out way better when I do these than when I skip the warmups :U Good motivation though ;)

placemaker to slide post images 200pxWarmupsketches <br> #031 -> #040Warmupsketches <br> #031 -> #040Warmupsketches <br> #031 -> #040Warmupsketches <br> #031 -> #040Warmupsketches <br> #031 -> #040Warmupsketches <br> #031 -> #040Warmupsketches <br> #031 -> #040Warmupsketches <br> #031 -> #040Warmupsketches <br> #031 -> #040Warmupsketches <br> #031 -> #040

Life drawing!

20 Mar 2014

Finally found a place close-by that has life drawing sessions, without teachers. I prefer just to have a model available and do my thing.
Schools, so far, have only taught me how to stop loving what I do. This sounds harsh, but I simply don't get motivated by them any more.

Here are the results of the first sessions, oh and the first drawing is my girlfriend I'm so scared to draw hahaha


placemaker to slide post images 200pxLife drawing!Life drawing!Life drawing!Life drawing!Life drawing!Life drawing!Life drawing!
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