
Digital Portraits


Welcome to my Portfolio! Really appreciate you visiting my art :)

I have a post-it on my monitor with my biggest artistic goals written on, to keep me reminded constantly in what direction I'm pushing.
The top one is 'Real Portraits', notice not 'Photo real' but something you could consider the better 2D representation of someone. Seen through the eyes of a certain artist.

There's this special thing about experiencing people in real opposed to on pictures.
Some people have what we call photogenetics, honestly most people aren't mr. Camera's favorite or act completely different in front of a camera. This is where artists come in and painted portraits take the lead. Where even those who don't look good on pictures can look beautiful in a painting just like they are in person.

Every painting takes me closer to those 'Real Portraits'. If you want to be part of my collection don't be afraid to send me an email :)
I'm open for requests.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your visit!



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Analog Paintings


Another goal on my list is to make traditional plein air paintings whenever I can. The world is a beautiful place and wasting any oportunity with it would be a sin. It's good practice, too. Both digital and traditional complement each other well. Some things are a hastle in traditional where it's easypie digitally and vice versa.

Email me if you're interested in purchasing a painting.


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Project Visitor

Mar 2013

This is a personal project about aliens wandering the lands of earth.
This one is visiting a human bar.

It's a tiny world/scene where, when I need a subject for drawing, I take a part of it and visualize it. Meant to be created in 3D, by me or someone else in the long run. If ever.

I started uni with the intentions of becoming a better painter, the school though, was more focused on delivering 3D artists and tricked me into becoming one, too. Now that I graduated I've awakened and its time pick up my dreams again of becoming a better creative painter.

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